In this paper, we discuss speech act verbs of English and Chinese, the comparable cognitive features and the classification of the semantic structure of sentences. 文章从语义认知角度对英汉言语行为动词进行了讨论。先讨论了英汉言语行为动词的可比性;
Functional Perspective on Speech Act Theory 功能视野中的言语行为理论研究:回眸与反思
Mood, modality and speech act in modern English 现代英语中的语气、情态和语言行为
The speech act of continuing a conversational exchange. 继续对话交流的讲话行为。
Philosophical Dimension of Speech Act Theory and Conversational Implicature 言语行为理论与会话含义理论的哲学之维
A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Indirect Speech Act in Intercultural Communication 跨文化交际中的英汉间接言语行为对比研究
This paper attempts to analyze the speech act and its strategy of370 Chinese contribution emailsfrom the pragmatic perspective. 本文从语用学的角度,对370封汉语电子投稿信进行了言语行为和语用策略方面的研究。
The Demonstration and Analysis of the Translation of Proverb: on the Perspective of Speech Act Theory 谚语翻译的实证分析:基于言语行为理论的视角
A Pragmatic Study of the Speech Act of Apology in Friends 对《老友记》中道歉言语行为的语用研究
An Empirical Study on Classroom Speech Act Based on Flanders Interaction Analysis System Flanders课堂教学师生言语行为互动分析系统的实证研究
By using speech act theory, this paper discusses how to improve the students'ability of listening comprehension. 本文如何运用言语行为理论探讨提高学生的听力理解能力。
The speech act of answering an attack on your assertions. 回应对你的主张的攻击的演讲行为。
The speech act of contradicting someone. 否定某人的言语行为。
Consequently, the generation and comprehension of con-text are interactive and inter-conditioned in the same speech act. 语境的生成和理解在同一言语行为中是互动的、互相制约的。
Speech Act Theory and the Multi-level Meaning of Characters 'Utterances in Drama& Albee's The Zoo Story 言语行为理论与戏剧人物话语的多层次内涵&阿尔比《动物园的故事》的话语分析
From the perspective of linguistics, the speech act of apology is a part ofcommunicative activities. 从语言学的立场看,道歉言语行为属于言语交际的组成部分。
This is also explainable in virtue of the explanatory power that speech act theory has in describing conversational sequencing. 这也是能够通过言语行为理论所具有的解释力解释的。
Pun Art in English Advertisement in the Light of Speech Act Theory 言语行为理论视阈下英语广告的双关修辞艺术
Fictional discourse is regarded in the speech act theory developed by Austin and Searle as "non-serious" or "abnormal". 在奥斯汀和塞尔的言语行为理论中,虚构的文学话语被认为是不严肃的。
The right use of speech act is the key to successful social communication. 正确使用言语行为是成功交际的关键所在。
This paper discusses the characteristics and forms of the teacher's talk, and analyzes its pragmatic functions under the Speech Act Theory. 本文讨论了教师课堂话语的特征和形式,并在言语行为理论的框架下分析了其语用功能。
Analysis of Dialogues of Thunderstorm in Metaphors of Mood and Speech Act Theory 从语气隐喻和言语行为理论解析《雷雨》的对话
The speech act of replying to a question. 回答提问的说话行为。
Undoubtedly, speech act theory has great inspiration for language research. 毫无疑问,言语行为理论对语言研究具有巨大的启发意义。
Theoretical Interpretation for Ironic Speech Act in Literary Works& A case study of Pride and Prejudice 文学作品中反讽的言语行为理论阐释&以《傲慢与偏见》为例
Hopefully, this paper can enrich the Speech Act Theory and previous studies of inter-language, and can be of some practical value in the area of TCFL. 希望本文的研究能够充实言语行为理论和以往中介语语用学的研究,在对外汉语教学领域也可望具有实际的应用价值。
The indirect apodosis is often a speech act without a speech-act prefix. 间接论断句经常是省略了言语举动前缀的言语举动。
The Application of Indirect Speech Act Theory to the Teaching of English Reading& Taking Chrysanthemum As an Example 间接言语行为理论在英语阅读教学中的运用&以《菊花》为例
Narration is a basic speech act upon which people tell and retell their experience. 叙事是人类最基本的一种言语活动,是人们借以组织和重述人生经验的主要模式。
Rhetoric is a kind of speech act whose aim is communication. 修辞是言语行为,言语行为的目的是交流。